General FAQs

This school is a calm and nurturing space. We encourage questioning and developing mindfulness in our students. Reddam House students have the opportunity to excel and develop their talents in the arts, sport and academics. It is mandatory to participate in one extramural activity per term. Our cultural activities also set us apart. We are well known for our orchestras, choirs, band and art. Students have the opportunity to take a private music instrumental lesson at school.

You can contact our admissions officer, who will guide you through the process or apply online today.

Yes, we offer weekly and termly boarding options for students from Grade 8 - 12. The premium boarding facilities include boutique-style rooms, complete with en-suite bathrooms, as well as recreational common rooms and private study areas. With 24/7 support, we ensure our students feel at home.

As an Inspired school, Reddam House Umhlanga benefits from access to global educational best practices, global exchanges and exclusive international partnerships with world-renowned schools such as Berklee College of Music.

When it comes to choosing the best learning environment for your child, a single-gender school may be tempting. Schools that only admit a single gender assert that students in those environments express themselves more freely without the pressure or influence of the opposite sex. However, co-educational schools maintain that the co-ed experience is the natural choice, one that reflects real-world communities and workplaces in which students will live and work … that the co-ed experience better prepares them to interact with a diverse mix of people.

Findings published by the American Psychological Association show that single-gender education does not teach girls and boys any better than co-ed schools. The analysis, published in 2014, included nearly 200 studies and approximately 1.6 million students globally. The National Science Foundation funded the analysis, which included studies of K-12 schools spanning six decades.

Studies show that a co-educational experience better prepares students to interact with a diverse mix of people. Children growing up in collaborative co-educational settings gain confidence in who they are. Rather than waiting to learn how to interact with peers later on in life, they instead find themselves prepared to communicate and actively participate in any community they join.

That’s an especially important point, given today’s increasingly global workforce. Inclusive schools create environments of understanding, mutual respect, varying perspectives, and equal leadership opportunities among genders, elements that are valued in most workplaces. There is also a mountain of research in social psychology showing that segregation by gender feeds stereotypes. Every child is different, with a unique learning style. Contrary what the single-sex schools might say, gender does not pre-define how a child will learn or what he or she will find interesting. The true benefit of a co-ed school such as Reddam House Umhlanga, is that we focus on the individual child, working to channel his or her own interests and support unique learning styles.

Absolutely! Our College prides itself in the depth of our girls’ and boys’ sporting talent. Our sports teams compete against both single sex and co-ed schools. We are regularly invited to play in both co-ed and single-sex tournaments. We take our sport just as seriously as a single sex school.

The Reddam House philosophy is structured to create a sense of freedom within which individuality is encouraged, personal growth and self-confidence promoted and freedom of expression is encouraged.

However, the extent of that freedom is defined by the Reddam House Discipline Code and the responsibility is placed on the Student to enjoy the freedom within the parameters of this Code which is strictly enforced.

We expect our students to be courteous and well-mannered at all times; respect teachers, fellow students and the wider community; complete all homework and prepare adequately for tests and exams; and behave in an appropriate manner.

Personal pride is reflected in the student’s behaviour, attitudes and attire which we expect to be of the highest standard. To this end, students are required to dress in accordance with the uniform stipulated and may not remodel or deface the uniform in any way; boys must be clean-shaven; students may not wear make-up; hair must be neat, tidy, appropriately styled and must be the student’s natural hair colour.

Female Students are required to tie their hair up (where applicable) and use appropriate school style hair accessories. Male Students are required to keep their hair cut short. No jewellery other than one earring (sleeper or stud) per lower earlobe may be worn by female Students. Male Students are not allowed to wear jewellery.

Contravention of any of the above may lead to disciplinary action. Consequently, we do take our discipline most seriously.

The co-educational school environment reflects real-world communities and situations. We, therefore, believe that the co-ed experience equips students to interact in a diverse setting. Findings published by the American Psychological Association show that single-gender education does not teach girls and boys any better than co-ed schools. The analysis, published in 2014, included nearly 200 studies and approximately 1.6 million students globally.

Children growing up in collaborative, co-educational settings gain confidence in who they are. That’s an especially important point, given today’s increasingly global workforce. Inclusive schools create environments of understanding, mutual respect, varying perspectives, and equal leadership opportunities among genders, elements that are valued in most workplaces. There is also a mountain of research in social psychology showing that segregation by gender feeds stereotypes.

The true benefit of a co-ed school such as Reddam House Umhlanga is that we focus on the individual child, working to channel his or her own interests and support unique learning styles.

Early Learning School

These are generally determined by the interests of the children each year. We currently offer the following Clubs for various Stage from Stage 3: Cooking, Karate, Bike riding, Ballet, Science, Soccer, Cricket, Garvlings- (sports programme), Music, Tennis

Yes, this is run by a retired ELS teacher together with the Teacher Assistants, from 12:45 until 17:00 in the ELS building. Activities are set up in the classrooms as well as in the playground area during this time. A mid-afternoon snack is provided for the children at 15:00. We also have a “Holding Class”, linked to the Aftercare which is for children with siblings in the older grades. This is offered free of charge to the parents and is run until 13:50

Our aim is to help develop student holistically. This includes their Intellectual, physical, social and emotional development. An essential part of this is to develop the hundred languages of a child. This refers to the virtually infinite ways that a child can express their thoughts, feelings and imaginings. Every child has an insatiable thirst for knowledge and unlimited potential, with a unique individual with a set of talents and interests that can be supported and developed.

We offer an enriched curriculum which takes aspects from the Reggio Emilia approach to inspire learning. Children are encouraged to use their environment to learn and discover the wonders of the world around them. Documentation is used to enable learning and to assist the children to revisit a learning experience. The themes that emerge are inspiring and relevant, building on the interests of the children. This provokes a high level of engagement and deeper learning as a result. Specialists teachers assist in further development from stage 3.

We focus on building self-assurance and confidence. This forms the foundation of our curriculum and enables students to overcome challenges with resilience. Our ‘Life Skills’ programme fosters and promotes this. We believe that all aspects of development require a foundation of love. We aspire to create a secure and warm environment that enables children to reach their full potential. The five love languages, as stipulated by Gary Chapman, are used as a foundation to inform teachers of how each child responds to praise: 1. Words of affirmation, 2. Touch, 3. Time, 4. Gifts and 5. Acts of Service

Our Stage 5 follow a carefully designed, high-quality curriculum incorporating a challenging and well-paced phonics and maths programme. Pre-reading skills are taught to ensure a sound understanding of the skills required to ensure good progression in reading. Children are given homework to help consolidate these skills. Stage 5 the teachers meet with the Grade 1 teachers to ensure that the Stage 5 children are properly prepared to the expectations of the Grade1 curriculum.

Teachers will document various activities, skills and techniques as well as social interactions throughout the year. We look at recording the process through which the child learns or masters a skill or experience. A teacher will document experiences, actions or observations that she witnesses or is part of with each child.

In Stage 1 & 2 we have one teacher and two teacher assistants.

In Stage 3, 4 & 5 we have one teacher and one teacher assistant.

By the time they go into Stage 3, all children must be potty trained. Even if “only just”. Staff do assist in the bathroom routine in the first term in Stage 3 until children are settled.

Preparatory School

One of the most outstanding features of our Reddam ethos is we offer an “education without fear”. There is a tangible feeling of overwhelming care in our building. Children know they can approach any staff member with queries or concerns. The teacher concerned firstly speaks with the student. If the behaviour persists, the teacher will contact the student’s parents.

We do not believe in punishing children in a punitive fashion, we aim to work with students and parents (who are our partners), to change behaviour and in many cases find out what is troubling the child. We expect all members of our school community to be respectful of one another, well-mannered and courteous and to wear their uniform with pride. Visitors often remark on how well-mannered our students are and comment on the great feeling in the building.

We are a traditional school with a few non-traditional elements. We do not compromise our value system. If staff catch students in the act of kindness, we announce their names in assembly and the reason for them being nominated. Thereafter students are invited to a kindness tea with the principal on a Friday morning. We are a Christian school; during assembly, we sing hymns and say the Lord’s prayer. We are however encompassing of all religions.

We have a school nurse and a clinical psychologist available on campus.

Prospective students are encouraged to spend a day at school. This enables them to experience the environment and gain an understanding of the teaching methodology. We encourage students to make this transition as soon as possible, to offer ample time for adjustment. As the systems and teaching practices at Reddam House are distinct and different from other schools, there may be areas of the student’s knowledge that have not yet been addressed. We have structures in place to close these learning gaps. If these gaps are too wide, we inform the interested parents that we cannot accommodate their needs.

While we use the CAPS documents provided by the Dept of Education, our syllabus is determined by Inspired. Teachers have the latitude to develop inspiring lessons around a topic of interest. As we are an independent school, we are able to customize the curriculum and students have the opportunity to choose between certain electives:

JP- extra dance/PE
bible/moral studies

SP- extra dance/PE
Afrikaans or isiZulu as a first additional language
bible/moral studies
music/art or sports science


We pride ourselves in developing the all-round growth of each student to his or her maximum potential. To this end we expect students to be committed academically and extramurally. Whereas most of our students commit to a sports team, there are others who contribute their talents in the cultural sphere as members of the College Choir, Orchestra or Dance Ensemble. Our well-structured extramural programme is designed to make it possible for students to commit to both sporting and cultural activities. We believe that there are some lessons that cannot be taught in a classroom and thus extramural participation is compulsory.

The maximum number of students in any class is 26 – this number allows the teacher to be able to provide individual attention to each student. The even number allows students to be able to work in pairs or small groups. However, when it comes to many of the choice subjects such as Music or Information Technology in Grades 10 to 12 it is not uncommon for the classes to be fewer than 12 in size.

Reddam House Umhlanga has chosen the Independent Education Board (IEB) National Senior Certificate (NSC) Examinations as the school-leaving certificate at the end of Grade 12. Is the IEB NSC internationally recognised?

The IEB NSC is not only recognised by all South African universities, but also by a substantial number of top universities across the globe. If the NSC is offered in conjunction with the IEB Advanced Programme (AP) courses, it opens doors to even the most prestigious universities across the globe.

The AP courses have been benchmarked to be of the same standard of the Cambridge A levels. Currently Reddam House Umhlanga offers the following AP subjects: AP Mathematics and AP English. Students offering the NSC together with the Advanced Programme courses have as much chance of getting into top universities in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, as someone holding an international qualification such as the International Baccalaureate or Cambridge examinations.

If students can include a high score from the SATs examinations from the US to their list of achievements, they open every door possible. Selection then depends on a range of factors outside the academic prowess of the student or the educational record of the assessment body such as holistic involvement in school life; confidence in an interview and commitment to community service.

What is important is that students who write the IEB NSC are recognised because the qualification is internationally recognised.

The IEB NSC is recognised by all South African universities, and by a number of top international universities. If the NSC is offered in conjunction with the IEB Advanced Programme (AP) courses, it opens doors to even the most prestigious universities across the globe. The AP courses have been benchmarked to be of the same standard of the Cambridge A levels. Currently, Reddam House Umhlanga offers the following AP subjects: AP Mathematics and AP English. Students offering the NSC together with the Advanced Programme courses have as much chance of getting into top universities in Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK, like someone holding an international qualification such as the International Baccalaureate or Cambridge examinations. If students can include a high score from the SATs examinations from the US to their list of achievements, they open every door possible. Selection then depends on a range of factors outside the academic prowess of the student or the educational record of the assessment body such as holistic involvement in school life; confidence in an interview and commitment to community service.

Academic, Sport, Dance, Music and All-rounder Scholarships are awarded on merit to Grade 7 students applying for a place in the College the following year. All candidates are required to write the entrance examinations on the Open Day on the last Friday in February annually.

The test results, together with the submission of a personal letter of application, will inform the invitation to attend an interview with the scholarship selection panel. Successful scholarship candidates are informed by the end of Term 1 of their Grade 7 year. The College has a relationship with the Drakensburg Boys’ Choir School whereby closed scholarships are awarded to talented musicians entering Grade 10.

Students applying for limited places in Grade 9 upwards are required to write the entrance test and to attend an interview with the Headmaster. Tours of our facilities can be arranged at a time that is convenient for prospective students and their parents.